Documenting the K1900 interface

Geschrieben von MMind am Sonntag, 15. Mai 2011 in Oyo

This time in english to keep as reference for whoever may need it.

As written last time, the K1900 uses the I80 interface of the S3C2416. This interface is also present on the following SoCs [S3C64xx, S5Psomething] in an improved version where the S3C2416 only has the so called "manual command mode".

The connection between the I80-pins of the S3C and the K1900 are as follows:

Command mode enableSCOMEN----
Register/State switch (where to write to)SYS_RSDC
Write enablenWEHWE
Read enablenOEHRD
DataSIFCCON1/2 [17:0]DBUS[15:0]

Settings are made in the SYSIFCON / I80IFCON register. The data exchange is then handled via the SIFCCON[0,1,2] registers. SIFCCON0 controls the connection, SIFCCON1 contains the data to send to the K1900 and SIFCCON2 contains the data received from the K1900. Data is transmitted through setting the SIFCCON0 bits in the right sequence and combination:

001Write command to register
010(read register - not used)
101Write data (params)
110Read data (return values)

Sending a command to the K1900 therefore follows along this path:

  • command mode enable
  • nCS0 enable
  • send command
    • RS low
    • nWE enable
    • write command to SIFCCON1
    • nWE disable
    • RS high
  • optionally send parameters
    • nWE enabled
    • write value to SIFCCON1
    • nWE disabled
    repeat for each param
  • optionally read returned values
    • nRD enabled
    • read value from SIFCCON2
    • nRD disabled
    repeat for each value
  • nCS0 disable
  • command mode disable

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